My name is Hossein, Hossein Akbari, I was born at Feb 27th 2006 (8 Isfand 84) in Bandar Abbas, Originally from Isfahan.
I love playing video games and doing math while listening to music. sometimes I really think I’m addicted to listening music to, or can’t live without it (exactly like I am writing this now!)
There’s many things that I am impressed by them, but I can’t do them. That doesn’t mean I should give up to get better at them.
I don’t like making fun of people and I always try to be friend with everyone. People usually think I am a kid for this or that I act too kind sometimes.
To be honest I have a very active inner child. I love super heroes such as Spider-Man and etc.
So…since I can see you reading until here, Do you wanna be friends? lol! You can add my steam or contact my discord from the menu.
Until next time, See ya later!