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AK's Folder

Always 'is a way to be saved!

Make it silly simple.

When you help someone you help everyone!

With great power comes great responsibility!

Keep going!

We still have much to learn!

This is just the beginning...

Just do it!

Give up? Not in my vocabulary!

AK's Folder

Always 'is a way to be saved!

Make it silly simple.

When you help someone you help everyone!

With great power comes great responsibility!

Keep going!

We still have much to learn!

This is just the beginning...

Just do it!

Give up? Not in my vocabulary!


About me


My name is Hossein, Hossein Akbari, I was born at Feb 27th 2006 (8 Isfand 84) in Bandar Abbas, Originally from Isfahan.

I love playing video games and doing math while listening to music. sometimes I really think I’m addicted to listening music to, or can’t live without it (exactly like I am writing this now!)

There’s many things that I am impressed by them, but I can’t do them. That doesn’t mean I should give up to get better at them.

I don’t like making fun of people and I always try to be friend with everyone. People usually think I am a kid for this or that I act too kind sometimes.

To be honest I have a very active inner child. I love super heroes such as Spider-Man and etc.

So…since I can see you reading until here, Do you wanna be friends? lol! You can add my steam or contact my discord from the menu.

Until next time, See ya later!